






2022年7月20日 信州民報
長大 淡水生物学研究所の研究が国際学術誌に掲載

2022年7月21日 信濃毎日新聞
絶滅危惧種のニホンウナギ 過去に2度個体急減か


Inferring the Demographic History of Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) from Genomic Data: Insights for Conservation and Fisheries Management

Faulks, L., Kaushik, P., Taniguchi, S., Sekino, M., Nakamichi, R., Yamamoto, Y., Fujimori, H., Okamoto, C., Kodama, S., Daryani, A., Manwong, A., Galang, I., Mochioka, N., Araki, K., Suzuki, M., Kaji, Y., Ichiki, T., Matsunaga, T. and Hakoyama, H. 2022.
Inferring the Demographic History of Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) from Genomic Data: Insights for Conservation and Fisheries Management.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems : 1-7

Assessing the status or population size of species is a key task for wildlife conservation and the sustainable management of harvested species. In particular, assessing historical changes in population size provides an evolutionary perspective on current population dynamics. Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) is an endangered yet commercially important catadromous fish species. This article assesses the demographic history of Japanese eel using the pairwise and multiple sequentially Markovian coalescent methods. The analyses indicate a reduction in effective population size Ne from 38,000 to 10,000 individuals between 4 and 1 Mya, followed by an increase to 80,000 individuals between 1 Mya and 22--30 kya. Approximately 22--30 kya there is evidence for a reduction in Ne to approximately 60,000 individuals. These events may be related to changes in environmental conditions, especially around the last glacial maximum (19--33 kya). The results of this study suggest that Japanese eel has experienced at least two population bottlenecks, interspersed by a period of population growth. The overall level of genetic diversity is relatively low, although there is no evidence for inbreeding. Data from this study will be used to help model the extinction risk of Japanese eel.

Key Words: climate change, last glacial maximum, pairwise and multiple sequentially Markovian coalescent, whole-genome sequence
  • 2024長野大学オープンキャンパス
  • 資料請求
  • カリキュラム・ウェブシラバス
  • 信州上田学
  • 夢ナビ「学問のミニ講座」
  • まちなかキャンパスうえだ
  • 夢ナビLive2024

  1. ホーム
  2.  >  教育・研究
  3.  >  淡水生物学研究所の活動
  4.  >  2022年度 淡水生物学研究所の活動
  5.  >  ニホンウナギの個体群動態に関する研究論文が信州民報と信濃毎日新聞に取り上げられました。