




The International Eel Task Team 2 workshop just took place!

Two Task Teams for international cooperation on eel research have been organized through informal consultations on Japanese eel. Task Team 2, which focuses on tracking eel spawning migrations using satellite pop-up tags, is led by Professor Hiroshi Hakoyama of the Institute of Freshwater Biology.

The first meeting took place on 17 February in an online workshop with scientists from Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and Fiji, with many presentations and lively discussions. It was confirmed that the research collaboration will continue and that the results of this workshop will be compiled into a report for the 2nd Eel Scientists Meeting scheduled at the end of May.

  1. ホーム
  2.  >  教育・研究
  3.  >  淡水生物学研究所の活動
  4.  >  Activities_2022
  5.  >  The International Eel Task Team 2 workshop just took place!